La morfologia carsica della provincia di Lecce e la sua influenza sulla idrografia superficiale e profonda (studio preliminare)


Il censimento delle cavità carsiche epigee presenti nell’ambito del territorio della provincia di Lecce e la loro tipicizzazione in relazione alla costituzione del substrato, hanno permesso di valutare l’incidenza della locale morfologia carsica nel deflusso delle acque in superficie e nella alimentazione delle falde nel sottosuolo. Le differenti situazioni riscontrate sono state comparate con una mappa della piovosità ottenuta tramite l’analisi statistica dei dati esistenti, nonché con un quadro sinoptico delle opere di canalizzazione e di recapito delle acque superficiali, con lo scopo di portare un preliminare contributo alla soluzione dei problemi connessi sia con lo smaltimento delle acque meteoriche e dei reflui urbani sia con i possibili processi di desertificazione.
Investigation concerned in karst holes which are present in the territory of Salento and their relationship with the characteristics of the substratum, has allowed to appreciate the incidence of the local karstic morphology in the outflow of the waters on surface and in the feeding in the groundwater. The different situations have been comparative with a map of the rains got through the statistic analysis of the existing data, as well as with a picture of the works of canalization of superficial waters. The purpose is to bring a preliminary contribution to the problem connected with the disposal of the meteoric waters and the urban refluis and with the possible processes of desertification. The integration of all the geological, stratigraphical, hydrogeological, geomorfological and climatic data in elaboration will allow us to effect a verify of the actual state of the territory. A first analysis of all the elaborate data has put in evidence that: - in the oriental zone, among Otranto, Minervino and Presicce, in the EST and Manduria in the WEST, characterized by the maximum precipitations, the meteoric waters quickly are absorbed in the subsoil for the nature of the permeable calcareous substratum for fractures and particularly for karst; here the outflows are also very scarce because of the planar morphology. - in the western zone, that is among Taviano, Nardò and Copertino, in the EST and Gallipoli and Manduria in the WEST, where are weak precipitations, the geological and particularly morphological character condition the outflow of the waters determining the formation of hydrographic networks which are more diffused in comparison to the east zone and mainly developed along the borders of the watershed (Fig. 1); on the contrary, where coverages of clayey grounds are present and morphologies are planar, superficial stagnations are verified.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v26supp23

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