Il Kanun di Skanderbeg e lo Zakonik di Dušan: per qualche considerazione sull'impatto dell'eredità giuridica romano-bizantina in area balcanica


Starting point of the reflection will be an important book recently published in Italy, which represents probably the best edition of the Albanian legal collection of customary law. Goal of the article is to find an interpretative key in order to analyse the problem of the penetration and diffusion on the Byzantine law in the Balcan region during the Medieval time, by trying a sort of comparison between Skanderbeg's Kanun and Dušan's Zakonik, both characterised by a strong ideological factor, but with different origins: starting point of the reflection will be an important book recently published in Italy, which represents probably the best edition of the Albanian legal collection of customary law.
El objetivo del ensayo es encontrar una clave interpretativa para analizar el problema de la difusión de la derecho bizantino en la región Balcanica durante el periodo medieval. Formulando una especie de comparación entre Skanderbeg's Kanun y Dušan's Zakonik, ambos caracterizados por un fuerte factor ideológico, pero con diferentes orígenes: el punto de partida de la reflexión será un libro importante recientemente publicado en Italia, que probablemente representa la mejor edición de la colección legal Albana de derecho consuetudinario.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22402772a9p133

Keywords: Kanun; Skanderberg; Zakonik; Dušan

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