A Note on Income Share Elasticity and Stochastic Dominance - 2002

Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirico Full Version (PDF)
(Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Matematico-Statistiche dell'Università del Salento - Collana di Economia, 36/18 / 2002)
Esteban (1986) introduced the notion of income share elasticity as a function $\pi$ which can describe the size distribution of income. On the other hand, indices of first or second order stochastic dominance are widely used to describe shifts in income distribution, to which inequality measures are attached. The paper draws a link between the two, by providing conditions such that a given shift to $\pi$ is equivalent to a first or second order stochastic dominance shift of the distribution of income.

Table of Contents

Introduction     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco 2-6

Income share elasticity and income dispersion     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco 2-6

Concluding remarks     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco 6-6

Bibliography     PDF

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