A Model of Monopolistic Competition with Personal Income Dispersion - 2003

Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo Full Version (PDF)
(Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Matematico-Statistiche dell'Università del Salento - Collana di Economia, 45/23 / 2003)
We introduce non-homothetic preferences in the Dixit-Stiglitz model of monopolistic competition, and enquire about the effects of a change in income dispersion on the firms’ optimal decisions and market equilibrium. Income dispersion, modelled as a mean preserving spread, is shown to affect only the degree of product differentiation under the standard hypothesis on the firms’ decision making process, while it generates a positive co-movement of demand and demand elasticity, when the negligibility assumption is removed and the price index e?ect is taken into account.

Table of Contents

Introduction     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo 2-3

Market demand and income dispersion     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo 3-6

Pricing and market equilibrium: the case with exogenous mark-up     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo 6-8

Pricing and market equilibrium: the case with endogenous mark-up     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo 8-10

Conclusions     PDF
Corrado Benassi , Alessandra Chirco , Caterina Colombo 11-11

Bibliography     PDF

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