Consulenza filosofica e psicoterapia: uno studio analitico di similitudini e differenze tra tradizione e innovazione


In order to appreciate the value of an acquaintance we have to state its practical implications. In a world that would seem to have not “time to be lost” anymore, having some time to think appears an enormous privilege, provided that the thought is canalized toward an only purpose: to still surprise of that wonder that does not have age, does not have interest, it does not necessarily have explanations. We should replace an exclamation point to every question mark, we should clean “the lenses” without stopping to wear “the glasses”, we should put aside the anxiety to find answers that often pushes ourselves to forget the questions: the philosophy as praxis is a challenge. But if it is true that the peculiarity of philosophy is its being “ab soluta”(free from every finalizing bond), as it is possible to insert a philosopher in practical contexts which a firm? Every man is also a philosopher, each of us has some criterions to discern and to appraise the reality in which alive. Choose philosophy means adopting some models of thought distant from standard therapies. It stimulates each of us to seek inside ourselves the “correct road”. It is necessary to learn to question ourselves to find a solution. This conclusion is supported by this comparative study between the psychotherapeutic tradition and the philosophical-therapeutics proposal.While psychotherapy investigates on what the individual misses it, philosophical praxis helps man to rediscover all of this that he has inside of itself. Analyzing the methods, the objectives, the different techniques of approach and the patients, we have understood that philosophy is not an alternative to the psychotherapy but rather it is complementary to this last. As Aristotle said: «We must not worry us if the philosophy doesn’t appear useful or advantageous, because we don’t first of all affirm that it is advantageous. Rather than, we affirm that it is good, and that it must be chosen for itself».

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vXVIIIn32p139

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