Bias tra volti neutri ed attivazione emozionale indotta dalla musica


This study aims to analyze how, through an experimental project, the museums and the structures of perceptual learning can refer to the new systems related to ergonomics and structural neuroaesthetics. Particularly, in this study we propose an experimental protocol in which the perception of faces with different emotional expressions may be variables as a function of auditory stimulus / perceived as background music in a cross modal way. The stimuli had been presented and categorized with an e-prime presentation, and then analyzed, with the ERP’s technique, during a cross modal presentation of three types of classical music (Chopin, Albéniz, Mozart) categorized with a VAS scale on Emotional Activation. The effects of synaesthetic perception related to ergonomy can have a strong modulation of cortical processing of the stimulus, conditioning or facilitating the perception and interpretation of the stimulus proposed. These results are in agreement with the recent neuroaesthetic studies, even in the museum environment, indicating that perceptive and learning environment are modulated by multimodal processes.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vXVIIIn32p57

Keywords: Neuroaesthetics; Museum learning; Ergonomy; Music; Emotion

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