CANTAMU QUEDDHA…. Pratiche collettive e iniziativa individuale nel canto tradizionale salentino
The topic of this article is the traditional song practice from Salento, in particular in the form of folk song "stornello" considered in the area of Nardò in association with the women workers of tobacco and agricultural workers in general. The considered repertoire, unpublished and not studied yet, is that of Alba Filieri (1939-2016) and of her family. The aim of this research was to verify the possible links of this practice with the rhythms, productivity and work conditions during the tobacco harvesting and manufacture in the same area. The results of the researches carried on this repertoire - together with the framing of contexts, the collected informations from the field and from the available databases and the comparisons of similar repertoiresshow that the song intonation practices were both linked to productivity parameters and specific inclinations, both individual and collective.
DOI Code:
Ethnomusicology; Salento; folk song; stornello; women
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