Completely positive matrices of order
with a nearly
A particular class of graphs, called "nearly
-graphs", extending the class of
-graphs is introduced. From Barioli's characterization of completely positive matrices with a book-graph, two equivalent characterizations of completely positive matrices with a nearly
-graph are deduced. By means of these results, new characterizations of completely positive matrices of order
with a book-graph and some alternative demonstrations of known results are derived. A new characterization of completely positive matrices of order
with a
-graph and a new elementary proof of the main result obtained by Cedolin-Salce, regarding this particular class of matrices, are shown. It is also attempted to clarify some results obtained by Xu on completely positive matrices of order
, and it is shown by a counterexample that one of them is incorrect.

DOI Code:
Completely positive matrices; doubly non-negative matrices; book graphs
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