An analogue of Rionero's functional for reaction diffusion equations and an application thereof
In the context of stability properties of a reaction-diffusion system of p.d.e.s, the paper discusses an analogue of Rionero’s Lyapunov functional, which has analogous properties. By way of application,it is shown how to derive
stability estimates for the gradient of the solution of a Lotka-Volterra system.
In the context of stability properties of a reaction-diffusion system of p.d.e.s, the paper discusses an analogue of Rionero’s Lyapunov functional, which has analogous properties. By way of application,it is shown how to derive

DOI Code:
Reaction-diffusion; Lotka-Volterra system; Stability; Pointwise estimates; Lyapunov functional
Reaction-diffusion; Lotka-Volterra system; Stability; Pointwise estimates; Lyapunov functional
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