Imperial Commonwealth, il “grande esperimento” del 1917 e la terza fase dell’Impero britannico


The First World War triggered a process of reform for the British Empire, opening a new phase, that was the third. After a first Atlantic Empire and a second more global and focused on Asia and India, the Great War rebuilt the pivot of the imperial world system founding it on a power block formed by the “white” Dominions or, in other words, the relationship between Britain and the main self-governing colonies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. Nevertheless, as in the past, India maintained a key role due to its strategic weight of «English barracks in the Oriental seas», as Lord Salisbury remarked in 1882. In this reforming process, 1917 was a fundamental step by laying the foundations for the creation of the British Commonwealth of Nations, or, according to the expression adopted in that year, the Imperial Commonwealth of autonomous nations

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22808949a6n2p275

Keywords: British Empire; Commonwealth of Nations; First World War; Imperial History

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