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La collana editoriale ‘Excavations and Researches at Shahr-i Sokhta’ è una serie monografica ‘peer-reviewed’ diretta da Enrico Ascalone e Seyyed Mansur Seyyed Sajjadi, a cui si affianca un prestigioso comitato scientifico composto da Raffaele Biscione, Nadezhda Dubova, Benjamin Mutin, Henri-Paul Francfort, Youssef Madjidzadeh, Hossein Moradi, Jebrael Nokandeh, Vasant Shinde e Rohuallah Shirazi e un comitato editoriale rappresentato da Sare Amini, Vittoria Cardini, Media Rahmani, Rosa Rivoltella, Hossein Sarhaddi e Pierfrancesco Vecchio. La collana presenta i risultati degli scavi svolti a Shahr-i Sokhta e gli studi monografici di specifiche classi di materiale provenienti dalle ricerche dell'Iranian Center for Archaeological Research (= ICAR), iniziate nel 1997, e del Progetto Archeologico Multidisciplinare Internazionale a Shahr-i Sokhta (= MAIPS) dell’Università del Salento iniziato nel 2016.
The publishing series 'Excavations and Researches at Shahr-i Sokhta' is a peer-reviewed monographic series directed by Enrico Ascalone and Seyyed Mansur Seyyed Sajjadi, who are joined by a prestigious scientific committee consisting of Raffaele Biscione, Nadezhda Dubova, Benjamin Mutin, Henri-Paul Francfort, Youssef Madjidzadeh, Hossein Moradi, Jebrael Nokandeh, Vasant Shinde and Rohuallah Shirazi and an editorial board represented by Sare Amini, Vittoria Cardini, Media Rahmani, Rosa Rivoltella, Hossein Sarhaddi and Pierfrancesco Vecchio. The series presents the results of the excavations carried out at Shahr-i Sokhta and the monographic studies of specific classes of material from the research initiated in 1997 by the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research (= ICAR) and the International Multidisciplinary Archaeological Project at Shahr-i Sokhta (= MAIPS) of the University of Salento started in 2016.
The publishing series 'Excavations and Researches at Shahr-i Sokhta' is a peer-reviewed monographic series directed by Enrico Ascalone and Seyyed Mansur Seyyed Sajjadi, who are joined by a prestigious scientific committee consisting of Raffaele Biscione, Nadezhda Dubova, Benjamin Mutin, Henri-Paul Francfort, Youssef Madjidzadeh, Hossein Moradi, Jebrael Nokandeh, Vasant Shinde and Rohuallah Shirazi and an editorial board represented by Sare Amini, Vittoria Cardini, Media Rahmani, Rosa Rivoltella, Hossein Sarhaddi and Pierfrancesco Vecchio. The series presents the results of the excavations carried out at Shahr-i Sokhta and the monographic studies of specific classes of material from the research initiated in 1997 by the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research (= ICAR) and the International Multidisciplinary Archaeological Project at Shahr-i Sokhta (= MAIPS) of the University of Salento started in 2016.
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