Osservazioni sulla zonazione dei popolamenti fitobentonici di substrato duro della penisola della Maddalena (Siracusa)
The Authors describe the zonation of submerged vegetation on rocky substratum of Maddalena peninsula (Sisacusa, Italy). This work is basled on the study of 58 summer relevés made down to 50 m. The Authors describe the communities both shady and well lit. A confrontation with the algal communities of Lachea island (Catania) was also carried on.
The Authors describe the zonation of submerged vegetation on rocky substratum of Maddalena peninsula (Sisacusa, Italy). This work is basled on the study of 58 summer relevés made down to 50 m. The Authors describe the communities both shady and well lit. A confrontation with the algal communities of Lachea island (Catania) was also carried on.
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