Rischi geomorfologici ed ambientali in un\' area carsica urbanizzata del salento leccese


In questa nota vengono illustrati i risultati di una ricerca realizzata nel territorio e nell’area urbana di Castro nel Salento leccese, dove le particolari configurazioni geologiche, tettoniche e geomorfologiche, congiunte all’antropizzazione, hanno indotto alcuni episodi di pericolosità e rischio geomorfologico ed ambientale. La ricerca è stata sviluppata sia mediante uno studio geologico, geomorfologico e meteo-climatico del territorio, realizzato anche con analisi di immagini telerilevate, sia attraverso una verifica della vulnerabilità e del degrado monumentale e paesistico-ambientale di questo centro urbano. Dalla sovrapposizione dei diversi livelli informativi è stato realizzato un modello di valutazione dei rischi esteso anche alla fascia costiera, che ha consentito di elaborare una carta dei rischi geomorfologici ed ambientali, consentendo l’individuazione e la localizzazione di interventi strutturali e non strutturali capaci di ridurre il livello di rischio e di recuperare le configurazioni naturali ed antropiche danneggiate o fortemente minacciate dal progressivo degrado strutturale ed ambientale.
In this work the results of a research carried out in the hinterland and coastal zone of the Castro urban centre and its territory are illustrated. The peculiar geological, tectonic and geomorphological settings, associated with intense anthropic activity, induced some hazards and geomorphological-environmental risk episodes, observable in other Mediterranean karst urban areas also. The Castro urban centre, located on the southern margin of the Salento coasts up on a calcareous characteristic cape, is known and valued for the beautiful landscape, environmental, historical and monumental heritage. It develops on a hill ridge and on the flanks of a little water basin, called "Canalone" which cross the village for all its extension to the coast. Several and important karst episodes both in the hinterland and along the coast, represent on one hand natural-environmental emergencies of notable interest (e.g. the Zinzulusa and Romanelli caves) and the other hand diffused risks connected to possible direct and indirect pollution phenomena, hydrogeological risk also along the coast and degradation episodes of monumental and building heritage. These phenomena can damage some important territory sectors and limit beauty and use of the landscape and of monumental and marine heritage. The research was developed by the geological, geomorphological and weathering-climate study of territory, carried out also using remote sensing images analysis and verifying the vulnerability and monumental and environmental deterioration of this urban centre. An evaluation risk model has been realized from the overlapping of different layers, extended also to the coast, that permitted to elaborate a geomorphological and environmental risk map. Moreover, these information permitted to individuate and locate direct an indirect interventions able to reduce the risk level and recovery the natural and anthropic configurations damaged or strongly threatened by the progressive and often uncontrolled structural and environmental degradation.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v26supp41

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