A teratologic case in a shark
Cranial and vertebral deformities are reported in a foetus of Carcharhinus signatus (POEY, 1868); these deformities are considered very interesting on the basis of the bibliographical review edited by DAWSON and the most recent papers, resulting not yet described. The present description deals with a specim from a species segnalled now for the first time in the Mediterranean sea.
Cranial and vertebral deformities are reported in a foetus of Carcharhinus signatus (POEY, 1868); these deformities are considered very interesting on the basis of the bibliographical review edited by DAWSON and the most recent papers, resulting not yet described. The present description deals with a specim from a species segnalled now for the first time in the Mediterranean sea.
DOI Code:
Teratology; sharks; species from Mediterranea sea
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