Parametri fisiologici, alessitimia e modelli simbolici d'identità in soggetti con attacchi di panico


The recent studies about the panie disturb ricognize the correlation between the onset of the crisis and the energetic disturbante associated with hyperventilation, hyperarousal and, in particular, the activation of limbic system. Psychosomatic studies observe the correlation between alexithimia and the panie attack disturbante. We hypothesise that the association between the modulatory capacity of the input comes from the subcortical regions and that the subject can't arrive to a correct identification of the emotional sintom. We analize the alexithimia level and the GSR (Galvanic Skin Reflex) parameters during the narration of a fear’s episode in subjects with panie attack and in control group.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vVIIIn12p51

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