Lo psicodramma come strumento osservativo e psicopedagogico


Psychodrama is a particular kind of dramatization technique used with therapeutic purposes. It has origin with Jacob Levi Moreno who, in 1945, defined it by a science that explores the truth and represents it through dramatic methodologies. Moreno guessed that there are processes that let a person be a therapeutic agent for another one, and stressed the potentialities of the group, inside which the psychodrama unwinds and the meeting between individuals is characterised by good relations, or rather relations of reciprocity and comprehension, in which the subjects could activate and completely and freely express themselves. Subsequently, the psychodrama has evolved in theories and methods of application extremely diverged between them, finding an arrangement in purely analytical field with the studies of Lebovici, Monod and Anzieu. The analytical psychodrama is a process of analysis of the subject in the group, to help it in the transition with the neurotic repetition to the possibility of representation, all of it across the symbolic game. Actually, the psychodrama is taking shape like an applicable therapeutic tool in the most disparate fields as, for instance, in the treatment of psychotic patients, in double diagnosis and in neurodegenerative diseases. Besides we talk about of pedagogical psychodrama like educational method inside the educational institutions. Also Helga Dentale, who has invented the method Teatro in Gioco, underlines as the theatrical language could become a pedagogical tool, or rather language of a Theatrical Pedagogy, created for child's needs and not on the expectations of the adult, to appreciate and to develop his creative, expressive, relational and communicative resources.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vXXn35-36p155

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