Articles/Chapters/Volumes |
Publication | Issue |
Title |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Contents |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche |
La disuguaglianza di Harnack nel caso ellittico |
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Bibliography |
Simona Fornaro |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Acknowledgements |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche |
Prefazione |
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Notation |
Simona Fornaro |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial di erential operators with unbounded coe cients |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche |
Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche |
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto, Vespri Vincenzo |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Appendix C: Some a priori estimates |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Appendice C. Teoremi di interpolazione |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Note di Matematica |
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2011) |
Analytic semigroups generated in $L^p$ by elliptic operators with high order degeneracy at the boundary |
Simona Fornaro, Giorgio Metafune, Diego Pallara |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Appendix B: Smooth domains and regularity properties of the distance function |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Appendice B. Stime di Schauder e disuguaglianza di Harnack |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Appendix A: Maximum principles |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Appendice A. Semigruppi C0 |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Invariant measures: main properties and some applications |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Disuguaglianze Log-Sobolev e ultracontrattività |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
On the domain of some ordinary di erential operators in spaces of continuous functions |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Gradient estimates in Dirichlet parabolic problems in regular domains |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Misure invarianti e loro regolarità |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Gradient estimates in Neumann parabolic problems in convex regular domains |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Semigruppi di Markov ed operatori differenziali |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients |
Elliptic operators in Lp(RN): characterization of the domain |
Simona Fornaro |
Quaderni di Matematica |
Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev |
Prefazione |
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi |
1 - 25 of 29 Items |
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