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Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Contents  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche La disuguaglianza di Harnack nel caso ellittico  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Bibliography  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Acknowledgements  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche Prefazione  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Notation  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial di erential operators with unbounded coe cients  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche Disuguaglianza di Harnack per equazioni paraboliche  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Fabio Paronetto, Vespri Vincenzo

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Appendix C: Some a priori estimates  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Appendice C. Teoremi di interpolazione  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Note di Matematica Volume 31, Issue 1 (2011) Analytic semigroups generated in $L^p$ by elliptic operators with high order degeneracy at the boundary Details  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Giorgio Metafune, Diego Pallara

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Appendix B: Smooth domains and regularity properties of the distance function  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Appendice B. Stime di Schauder e disuguaglianza di Harnack  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Appendix A: Maximum principles  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Appendice A. Semigruppi C0  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Invariant measures: main properties and some applications  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Disuguaglianze Log-Sobolev e ultracontrattività  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients On the domain of some ordinary di erential operators in spaces of continuous functions  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Details  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Gradient estimates in Dirichlet parabolic problems in regular domains  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Misure invarianti e loro regolarità Details  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Gradient estimates in Neumann parabolic problems in convex regular domains  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Semigruppi di Markov ed operatori differenziali Details  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Regularity properties for second order partial differential operators with unbounded coefficients Elliptic operators in Lp(RN): characterization of the domain  PDF
Simona Fornaro

Quaderni di Matematica Semigruppi di Markov, operatori differenziali e disuguaglianze di tipo Log-Sobolev Prefazione  PDF
Simona Fornaro, Michele Miranda, Abdelaziz Rhandi

1 - 25 of 29 Items 1 2 > >> 

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