Author Details

Amendola, Alfonso

  • N. 13 (2018) - Periferie - Articles
    “To the centre of the city in the night waiting for you.” Centro e periferie nella sottocultura post-punk inglese = “To the centre of the city in the night waiting for you.” Centre and peripheries in English post-punk subculture
    Abstract  PDF
  • N. 19 (2021) - Immaginario - Articles
    Immaginario Tintoretto o della visione eversiva = Imaginary Tintoretto or subversive vision
    Abstract  PDF
  • N. 21 (2022) - Youth Subcultures - Articles
    Z Generation tra nostalgia e meme. La rimediazione dei movimenti Vaporwave e Aesthetic = Z Generation between nostalgia and memes. The remediation of the Vaporwave and Aesthetic movements
    Abstract  PDF

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