Narrare le morte: paure primordiali e angosce moderne = Narrating death: primordial fears and modern anguish


Narrating death: primordial fears and modern anguish. Death is one of the events of human experience that most influences the symbolic production of the collective imagination. Aim of the research will be try to underline the ways in which this fear manifests itself in modern western society. The methodological approach that I will use for this analysis will be a phenomenological type supported by the study of the great cinematographic narrators and their expressive means that are ideal for penetrating the anthropological horizon characteristic of our modern world. On one side, the cinema has spectacularized the death triggering a phenomenon of distancing from the real event; on the other side, it shows itself as an available archive of our dreams, our fears, our most intimate desires, and collective visions: the cinema has staged some of the anguishes and the most common cravings that populate the modern western imaginary.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22840753n13p263

Keywords: Fear; Death; Cinema; Phenomenology; Existentialism

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